
A bunch of helpers to make it easy to test Dynamos and routers.

By default, these helpers are macros that dispatch directly to the registered endpoint. Here is an example:

defmodule MyAppTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  use Dynamo.HTTP.Case

  test :root_route do
    conn = get("/")
    assert conn.sent_body =~ %r/somevalue/

The default dynamo used in tests is Dynamo.under_Test. This can be changed in a specific test case using @endpoint:

defmodule CustomRouterTest do
  use ExUnit.Case
  use Dynamo.HTTP.Case

  @endpoint CustomRouter

  test :route do
    conn = get("/route")
    assert conn.sent_body =~ %r/somevalue/

The connection used in such tests is the Dynamo.Connection.Test which provides some test specific function.

Testing with sequential requests

In some cases, the same test may request different endpoints:

test :session do
  conn = get("/put_session")
  assert conn.sent_body =~ %r/somevalue/

  conn = get(conn, "/set_session")
  assert conn.sent_body =~ %r/othervalue/

The example above will automatically work, since get/post/put/patch/delete/options recycles the connection before each request.

When recycled, all response information previously set in the connection is cleaned and all cookies are moved from the response to the request. This allows state to be passed in between the different requests.

Notice though that recycling will clean up any information set in the connection:

test :session do
  conn = get("/put_session")
  assert conn.sent_body =~ %r/somevalue/

  conn = conn.assign(:foo, :bar)
  conn = get(conn, "/set_session")
  assert conn.sent_body =~ %r/othervalue/

In the example above, the assign :foo set before the request won't be visible in the endpoint since it will be cleaned up. This can be fixed by explicitly cleaning up the request:

conn = conn.recycle.assign(:foo, :bar)

If the connection was already recycled, it won't be recycled once again.

Finally, notice that all get/post/put/patch/delete/options macros are simply a proxy to process/4. So in case you want to dispatch to different dynamos at the same time, process/4 may be useful.


Functions summary

conn(method, path, body \\ "")

Returns a connection built with the given method, path and body.

process(endpoint, conn, method, path \\ nil)

Requests the given endpoint with the given method and path. And verifies if the endpoint returned a valid connection.

put_session_cookie(conn, session)

Writes a session cookie according to the current store to be used in the next request. This is the preferred way to set the session before a request.

Macros summary

delete(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a DELETE request to the given path:

get(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a GET request to the given path:

options(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a OPTIONS request to the given path:

patch(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a PATCH request to the given path:

post(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a POST request to the given path and optionally body:

put(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a PUT request to the given path:


conn(method, path, body \\ "")

Returns a connection built with the given method, path and body.


process(endpoint, conn, method, path \\ nil)

Requests the given endpoint with the given method and path. And verifies if the endpoint returned a valid connection.


process MyDynamo, :get, "/foo"
process MyDynamo, conn, :get, "/foo"

put_session_cookie(conn, session)

Writes a session cookie according to the current store to be used in the next request. This is the preferred way to set the session before a request.



delete(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a DELETE request to the given path:

delete(conn, "/foo")

get(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a GET request to the given path:

get(conn, "/foo")

options(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a OPTIONS request to the given path:

options(conn, "/foo")

patch(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a PATCH request to the given path:

patch(conn, "/foo")

post(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a POST request to the given path and optionally body:

post(conn, "/foo")
post(conn, "/foo", "test body") # POSTs to `/foo` with `test body` body
post(conn, "/foo", [{"foo", "bar"}]) # POSTs to `/foo` with `foo=bar` body

put(arg1, arg2 \\ nil)

Does a PUT request to the given path:

put(conn, "/foo")